LeNS México
LeNSin, the International Learning Network of networks on Sustainability (2015-2018), is an EU-supported (ERASMUS+) project involving 36 universities from Europe, Asia, Africa, South America and Central America, aiming at the promotion of a new generation of designers (and design educators) capable to effectively contribute to the transition towards a sustainable society for all.
LeNSin ambitions to improve the internationalisation, intercultural cross-fertilisation and accessibility of higher education on Design for Sustainability (DfS). The project focuses on Sustainable Product-Service Systems (S.PSS) and Distributed Economies (DE) – considering both as promising models to couple environmental protection with social equity, cohesion and economic prosperity – applied in different contexts around the world. LeNSin connects a multi-polar network of Higher Education Institutions adopting and promoting a learning-by-sharing knowledge generation and dissemination, with an open and copyleft ethos.
During the three years of operation, LeNSin project activities involve five seminars, ten pilot courses, the setting up of ten regional LeNS Labs, and of a (decentralised) open web platform, any students/designers and any teachers can access to download, modify/remix and reuse an articulated set of open and copyleft learning resources, i.e. courses/lectures, tools, cases, criteria, projects.
LeNSin also promotes a series of diffusion activities targeting the design community worldwide. In 2019, a decentralized conference was held simultaneously in 6 countries, organized together by the 36 project partners from four continents. And in March 2021, a final Publication will be launched, where all experiences and academic discussions held during LeNSin project will be included.
Design institutes and schools in Mexico are welcome to join LeNS Mexico network, in order to strengthen academic connections, communication and development of regional projects towards the implementation of a reinforced perspective of Design for Sustainability.
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM)
Universidad del Valle de México (UVM)
Univesidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)
Sandra Molina Mata <samm@azc.uam.mx >
Brenda García Parra <bgarcia@cua.uam.mx>
Alejandro Ramírez Lozano<ramloz@correo.azc.uam.mx>
Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR)
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE)
Londrina State University
Fluminense Federal University
Federal University of Alagoas
Federal University of Uberlândia
Federal University of Santa Catarina
Aguinaldo Dos Santos <asantos@ufpr.br>
Leonardo Gomez Castillo <leonardo.a.gomez@gmail.com>
Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IIT Guwahati)
C.A.R.E. School of Architecture
Pandit Dwarka Prasad Mishra Indian Institute of Information Technology
Indian Institute Of Technology Gandhinagar
Goa College of Architecture
Hunnarshala Foundation for Building Technology & Innovations
Vastu Shilpa Foundation
Mary Jacob <maryjacob@srishti.ac.in>
Ravi Mokashi <mokashi@iitg.ernet.in>
Tsinghua University
Hunan University (HNU)
Wuhan University of Technology
Jiangnan University
The University of Science and Technology Beijing
Beijing Information Science and Technology University
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Guangzhou academy of fine arts
Tongji University
Liu Xin <xinl@tsinghua.edu.cn>
Jun Zhang <zhangjun@hnu.edu.cn>
LeNS_South Africa
Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT), South Africa
Stellenbosch University (SUN), South Africa
Farm and Garden National Trust
Cape Craft and Design Institute NPC
Ephias Ruhode <ruhodee@cput.ac.za>
Marjorie Naidoo <marjorie.naidoo@telkomsa.net>
Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI), Design Dept., Italy
Carlo Vezzoli (project coordinator)
Aalto University (Aalto ARTS), Finland
Cindy Kohtala <cindy.kohtala@aalto.fi>
Brunel University London (UBRUN), UK
Fabrizio Ceschin <fabrizio.ceschin@brunel.ac.uk>
Technische Universiteit Delft (TU Delft), Netherlands
Jan Carel Diehl <jc_diehl@me.com>